The modified Chinese Zhuque-2 rocket, powered by methane, has successfully completed its maiden flight.

The private Chinese company Landspace successfully launched a payload consisting of two satellites into orbit using a new modification of its methane-powered rocket, the Zhuque-2E Y1.
Модифицированная китайская ракета Zhuque-2, работающая на метане, успешно осуществила свой первый полет.
Модифицированная китайская ракета Zhuque-2E Y1 / © Landspace

The new Zhuque-2E Y1 launch vehicle, which uses methane as fuel and liquid oxygen as an oxidizer, can deliver up to six tons of payload to low Earth orbit and up to four tons to sun-synchronous orbit.

Модифицированная китайская ракета Zhuque-2E Y1 / © Landspace

The modified Zhuque-2E Y1 retained the basic design of its predecessor, but its length was reduced from 49.5 to 47.3 meters, while the thrust of the engines increased from 268 to 282 tons.

In early December of last year, Zhuque-2 successfully placed three satellites into orbit, becoming the first methane rocket in history to achieve this milestone.