NASA has secured funding for the development of the aircraft of the future.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States is planning to develop a new generation of commercial aircraft with low emissions, aimed at providing a more efficient and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Recently, NASA allocated $11.5 million toward this initiative.
NASA обеспечило финансирование для создания самолета будущего.
Концепт будущего авиалайнера, разработанного в рамках программы NASA «Передовые концепты самолетов для экологической устойчивости» (AACES) 2050 / © Electra

As part of the Advanced Aircraft Concepts for Environmental Sustainability (AACES) 2050 program, the American space agency has commissioned five design studies aimed at developing a next-generation aircraft concept.

The AACES program will involve companies such as Aurora Flight Sciences, Electra, JetZero, Pratt & Whitney, and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

These organizations plan to present NASA with various options for creating the aircraft of the future, ranging from alternative fuel sources to new engine technologies and aerodynamic vehicle designs.

Concepts developed under the AACES program could be implemented over the next 25 years.