India has successfully docked two spacecraft in low Earth orbit for the first time.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced that it has successfully completed tests for the satellite docking of two spacecraft as part of the Space Docking Experiment (SpaDeX) mission. This achievement positions India as the fourth country to independently develop and successfully implement docking technology in space.
Индия впервые успешно осуществила стыковку двух космических аппаратов на низкой околоземной орбите.
Информация о сближении аппаратов миссии SpaDeX в индийском Центре управления полетами / © ISRO

The progress achieved opens the door to several future space projects for India: from the "Chandrayaan-4" mission, which aims to collect lunar soil samples near the Moon's south pole, to the construction of a national orbital station.