The largest and fluffiest: a new species of tarantula has been discovered.

In the western region of Cuba, researchers have discovered a new species of tarantula named Trichopelma grande. This species is distinguished from its relatives by its larger size and the presence of numerous long hairs on its pedipalps.
Открыт новый вид пауков-птицеедов, который отличается своими крупными размерами и пушистым телом.
Самец Trichopelma grande / © Journal of Natural History / David Ortiz

Researchers examined the distinct pattern of spots and six darker and lighter transverse stripes, divided by a light stripe in the center, on the abdomen of these spiders.

The upper body of Trichopelma grande is covered with dense chestnut-brown hairs along the edges, while the center remains smooth and hairless, showcasing a dark brown surface. The size of the head of the discovered spider significantly exceeds that of other known species within the genus.