Marina Merikova, a graduate student at the Department of "Age Psychology of Professor L. F. Obukhova" at MGPPU, conducted an online survey to identify the key factors influencing academic success. A total of 114 students from various forms of study at the Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University (BSPU) participated in the research. The results of this work have been published in the scientific journal "Psychological and Pedagogical Studies".
To evaluate students' success, the average grade from previous sessions, a questionnaire by T. V. Kor nilova and her colleagues, and an additional scale for "Self-assessment of Learning" were used. Key components of motivation, such as motivational-meaningful, motivational-regulatory, cognitive-motivational, and integrative, were studied using various questionnaires and methods.
Numerous studies focus on the role of motivational-meaningful variables in student success, while other aspects have been explored less thoroughly. According to Marina Merikova, considering the increasing importance of the digital educational environment, it is essential to investigate the role of other components of student motivation, particularly self-regulation. Self-regulation is the ability of a student to organize their actions for self-learning and effective participation in the educational process. It encompasses self-analysis, motivation, goal-setting, planning, and self-correction.
A multiple regression analysis of the data collected through online forms was conducted. The study revealed differences in the motivation of students from different forms of education, but no differences were found in the parameters of self-regulation and self-efficacy. Interestingly, the motivational-regulatory, cognitive-motivational, and integrative components of motivation do not play as significant a role in predicting academic success in distance learning as initially assumed.
According to the results obtained, for part-time students, intrinsic motivation is a key driving force, while full-time students require additional parameters (self-regulation, self-efficacy, and self-control). Consequently, if motivation is lacking or is of an external nature, other components, specifically self-regulation resources and the style of explaining successes and failures, can help improve academic success.
Marina Merikova emphasizes that studying the factors that influence the success of educational activities is always relevant, as good academic performance is linked to future careers.