MGPPU has explored effective ways to constructively respond to uncertainty.

Uncertainty is one of the most uncomfortable states for a person, and it is particularly felt during adolescence. Researchers from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University have explored how to respond to uncertainty in a way that is safer for mental health.
В МГППУ исследовали, как эффективно справляться с неопределенностью.

Researchers from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Maria Odintsova, Natalia Radchikova, and Marina Sorokova, conducted an online survey. Approximately two thousand teenagers from various regions of Russia participated in it. The results of the study have been published in the scientific journal "Clinical and Special Psychology."

Adolescence is a time filled with uncertainties, caused by transitions from one educational level to another, changes in social groups, diverse academic situations, self-exploration, and more. All these factors contribute to a multidimensional stress environment.

“The understanding of uncertainty and the experiences gained by a maturing individual shape their worldview and determine how they react to stressful situations and what they feel unsure about,” explain the researchers from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. “Therefore, it is crucial to study not just tolerance/intolerance to uncertainty, but the various ways of responding to uncertain situations.”

The researchers propose a methodology that will measure three types of responses: emotional reactions to uncertainty, cognitive reactions to uncertainty, and readiness for change and uncertainty.

The study’s findings indicate that being in a highly stressful situation leads to emotional responses and a decreased readiness among teenagers to embrace change and uncertainty. Thus, the researchers conclude that in stressful situations, one should try to minimize emotional reactions and create a clear plan in areas of life that can be controlled at the moment, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

Additionally, seeking positive aspects can be beneficial: the authors of the study recommend viewing uncertainty as a source of new experiences that enrich life, providing excitement and motivation.