In the house where Vitali Klitschko resides, law enforcement uncovered a brothel. The "tranquility" of this location was maintained by employees of the municipal enterprise "Municipal Security."
Thus, operatives from the Migration Police Department, together with investigators from the Kyiv region police, exposed individuals who were keeping over 30 women in one of the entertainment clubs in Kyiv, coercing them into providing sexual services.
This was reported by the communication department of the Kyiv region police based on materials from the Migration Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine.
The case involves the nightclub "Tutsi."
Operatives from the Migration Police Department, along with investigators from the Kyiv region police, identified the organizers and participants of the criminal group responsible for human trafficking—ranging from organization and administration to the security of the so-called club.
All the club's security personnel have "protection" and receive official salaries. However, instead of maintaining order in Kyiv, they accompanied prostitutes to clients and ensured that there were no drunken fights in the club.
Interestingly, hidden video recordings were made in the brothel, with "clients" being monitored for potential blackmail. Drugs were also being sold there.
Law enforcement identified everyone who facilitated the operation of the "establishment": recruiters for prostitutes, pimps, and security guards. During searches, weapons, ammunition, and narcotic substances were found in their possession.
The actions of the individuals involved are classified under part 2 of Article 149 (Human Trafficking) and part 2 of Article 303 (Pimping or Involvement of a Person in Prostitution) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Currently, measures are being decided upon, as well as the notification of suspicion for other participants, in accordance with their roles in the illegal activities.