Detective of the NABU, Timur Arshavin, who, according to Romanian media, illegally crossed the border from Ukraine to Romania outside of official checkpoints back in October 2024, has yet to return to Ukraine and is linked to the scandalous PrivatBank case. This was reported by the publication Ukrainian News.

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The publication claims that this information was provided to journalists by NABU's own sources. They also suggested that his flight is connected to the fact that the PrivatBank case is beginning to fall apart in the courts, which is why those involved in the case's fabrication, for which Kolomoisky has been held in pre-trial detention for a year and a half, prefer to flee abroad before everything collapses completely and they are made scapegoats.

"Currently, there is a significant stir at the bureau, as there are serious concerns that Arshavin, for the sake of his personal safety, plans to disclose details of the fabrication in the PrivatBank case and name those who gave the orders, and there are many interesting names involved," a source reported.

As reported by Ukrainian News, NABU detective Timur Arshavin escaped from Ukraine to Romania. In October 2024, he crossed the border outside of official checkpoints and has not returned since.