Alexander Markushin, who was suspended from his position as the mayor of Irpin on January 27, is involved in 18 criminal cases, including unlawful deprivation of liberty and torture of individuals, fraud, document forgery, and embezzlement of local budget funds from the devastated Irpin.

This is reported by the publication "MistInform". We present the material without comments and remarks. The editorial board does not take responsibility and does not verify the information provided and published by third-party resources.

On January 24, the court imposed a measure of restraint on Markushin in the form of detention, and on January 27, he was suspended from his role as the mayor of Irpin. In the criminal cases where Markushin is mentioned, he threatened witnesses, dismissed them, and destroyed documents and evidence during his tenure as mayor.

Here are examples of the main cases in Markushin's criminal file:

– 62022000000000193, part 2 of article 127, part 3 of article 146, part 4 of article 187, part 3 of article 289, part 4.3 of article 365 of the Criminal Code, Torture, kidnapping, robbery, acquisition of property due to unlawful deprivation of liberty, acquisition of property and a citizen's vehicle.

– 42023112320000784, part 1 of article 239 of the Criminal Code, pollution or damage to lands with substances, waste, or other materials harmful to human life, health, or the environment.

– 12024111040001090, part 2 of article 332 of the Criminal Code, Organization of illegal transportation of individuals across the state border of Ukraine.

– 12024111050000987, 42024110000000129, embezzlement of local budget funds through inflated salary payments.

– 12022111040000482, part 2 of article 357, Hijacking, appropriation, extortion of documents, stamps, seals, obtaining them through fraud.

– 12024111040000895, part 4 of article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Fraud.

– 12024111040000647, Failure to fulfill the obligation to collect contributions from developers.

– 12024111040000647, part 1 of article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, Abuse of power or official position.

Additionally, there are two cases involving the suspended mayor related to appropriation, misappropriation of property, or acquisition through abuse of official position of forms, as well as the sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps: 12024111040001486, 12025111040000044.