Some of them are registered in occupied territories.

This is reported by the publication

According to data from the "OpenData" portal, Kharchenko holds a significant stake in the Consortium "MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GROUP," which is registered in Kyiv.

Among the other founders of the Consortium are LLC "UKRTEKHNOBUD" and an individual named Isaev Boris Alexandrovich. LLC "UKRTEKHNOSTROY," on the other hand, operates in the occupied city of Makeevka in the Donetsk region. The company has not ceased to exist and is owned 83% by the aforementioned partner of Kharchenko in the Consortium "MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GROUP," Isaev.

Mr. Isaev has emerged as something of an energy magnate. He fully or partially owns several energy companies, including: LLC "KHUST SOLAR" (which engages in electrical installation work), LLC "UKRTRANSAGRO" (which deals with electricity distribution), and LLC "KOPRIM TRADE" (which specializes in trading gaseous fuels).

Given this information, one can conclude that Kharchenko (as a business partner of Isaev) has specific energy business interests that he often pursues in his public statements.

Additionally, it should be noted that Kharchenko has set a record among all energy experts for the number of unfulfilled predictions of "terrible blackouts."