Musk endorsed the investigation of a peculiar formation on Mars.

Elon Musk, the CEO of the space company SpaceX, has endorsed the proposal to send a mission to the Red Planet to investigate an unusual "square structure" captured by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
Маск выразил поддержку исследованию необычной формации на Марсе.

An image of an unusual formation with distinct lines and right angles went viral online after being published on the website of the Mars Image Explorer at Arizona State University, sparking intense debates across various social platforms.

Улучшенная версия снимка MRO / © NASA

Conspiracy theorists believe the formation is an artifact of an ancient Martian civilization, comparing its size to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

Geologists, however, clarified that similar structures can also be found on Earth. They pointed to thousands of square and rectangular saltwater puddles located on the isthmus connecting the Tasman Peninsula to the Forestier Peninsula in Tasmania (Australia). Although these depressions appear man-made, they are the result of a rare type of natural erosion of sedimentary rocks. Similar formations can be seen along the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.

Прямоугольные и квадратные образования в Тасмании, ставшие следствием естественной эрозии осадочных пород / © wikipedia

Elon Musk weighed in on the debate, stating that astronauts should be sent to Mars for research purposes.