The first photos taken by Blue Ghost after its lunar landing have been released.

The Blue Ghost spacecraft, developed by the American company Firefly Aerospace, successfully soft-landed in the Sea of Crises on March 2 and has transmitted several images captured by its onboard cameras back to Earth.
Опубликованы первые фотографии, сделанные Blue Ghost после приземления на Луну.

The scientific program of the Blue Ghost mission is designed for two weeks. It includes the study of regolith and the structure of the lunar interior, experiments on capturing GPS signals on the Moon, determining the exact distance between Earth and its satellite, testing a radiation-resistant computer, and measuring the interaction of the Earth's magnetosphere with solar wind.

Blue Ghost развернул антенну X-диапазона (слева), которая позволит быстрее передавать изображения и видео высокой четкости на Землю / © Firefly Aerospace