Researchers from Perm have developed a method that enhances the strength of components used in oil equipment while also reducing manufacturing costs.

To extract oil from deep wells, deep well rod pumps are utilized, which experience significant stress during operation. This is particularly evident in one of the most critical components of the device—the pump rod. This solid metal rod pushes the plunger, generating the necessary pressure for oil transfer. The equipment's operation in harsh conditions leads to corrosion on the component's threads, resulting in material degradation over time. To ensure the reliable functioning of the pumps, it is essential to implement methods that prevent rapid wear of these components. Researchers at Perm Polytechnic University have proposed a technique for locally strengthening pump rods through induction heat treatment technology. The practical application of these recommendations will enhance the reliability and longevity of well equipment in the aggressive conditions typical of the mining industry.
Пермские ученые разработали технологию, которая увеличивает прочность деталей нефтяного оборудования и снижает их производственные затраты.

The article with the results has been published in the journal "Black Metals." The work was carried out with the support of JSC "ELKAM-Neftemash."

In most cases, the failure of the pump rod in oil extraction equipment occurs due to the onset of corrosion in the thread grooves. External loads and the stresses that arise in the component exacerbate this process. Traditional methods to enhance durability, such as adding noble elements to the metal or chemical cleaning from harmful impurities, are often economically unfeasible, especially for products with low profitability. Therefore, local hardening, which combines simplicity and financial benefits, is in high demand for improving the quality of rods.

Scientists from Perm Polytechnic propose using induction heat treatment technology. This process involves heating the metal under the influence of a powerful electromagnetic field, which alters its structure and makes it stronger.

Recently, this technology has been increasingly applied in enterprises for high-temperature metal treatment. It is characterized by rapid heating, low costs and energy consumption, high productivity, as well as ease of application, mobility of equipment, and even modern high environmental friendliness.

The polytechnicians developed and tested a local hardening regime for the pump rod using induction heat treatment in the form of heating the metal followed by cooling. The experiment used blanks made from common steel grades in oil engineering, specifically 40X and 38XGМ.

The samples were hardened using an induction heater from a temperature of 850°C and then cooled down to either 600°C or 400°C. For each applied regime, the probability of failure under loading was calculated. After treatment, their strength was tested by applying variable loads to the outer surface on a specially designed testing stand. The microstructure and microhardness of the resulting material were also examined.

The experimental results showed that induction heat treatment significantly increases the fatigue strength of the samples, that is, their resistance to external cyclic loads. The optimal regime turned out to be hardening at 850°C followed by tempering at 400°C.

"We also calculated the economic effect of implementing the results and recommendations from the study at enterprises. This effect arises from a significant reduction in material costs. Just for the rods we examined, the total reduction in production costs could reach 2.2 million per year, which can increase the profitability of deep well pumps by 7.66 percent," shared Stanislav Moltsen, a graduate student at the Department of "Metallurgy, Thermal and Laser Processing of Metals" at PNIPU, and quality director of JSC "ELKAM-Neftemash."

Scientists from Perm Polytechnic have demonstrated that induction heat treatment technology can improve the mechanical properties of threaded components in oil pump equipment. The recommended regimes will enhance the strength of pump rods and ensure their reliable use in deep oil extraction.