Scientists have discovered why Amazon dolphins spray urine into the air.

Male Amazon river dolphins were observed engaging in an unusual activity. The mammals rolled onto their backs and sprayed urine into the air, reaching distances of up to 90 centimeters. Meanwhile, their companions approached the area where the urine fell.
Ученые выяснили, почему амазонские дельфины распыляют мочу в воздух.
Самец амазонского речного дельфина (Inia geoffrensis) мочится в воздух / © Claryana Araújo-Wang / Botos do Cerrado Research Project / CetAsia Research Group

Researchers from Canada, analyzing hundreds of hours of video recordings, concluded that males may utilize the bristles on their rostrum (the front part of the snout formed by the jaws) to assess the hormonal composition of urine and the health status of their peers.

This means that the conscious actions of Amazon dolphins may carry social or communicative significance — similar to the behavior of terrestrial animals, such as cats, dogs, or bears, which use urine for communication.