NASA's probe captured images of the future landing site for the lunar module "Athena."

The American automated spacecraft Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured images of two locations on the Moon: one where the Blue Ghost lander has already touched down, and the other where the Athena module is set to land.
NASA's probe has captured images of the future landing site for the lunar module "Athena."
Район будущей посадки аппарата «Афина» отмечен белым квадратом / © NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University

The images released by NASA show Mons Latreille, a lunar mountain located in the center of the Sea of Crisis, where on March 2, the spacecraft Blue Ghost from Firefly Aerospace landed. Additionally, it features the Mons Mouton plateau in the southern polar region of the Moon, where on March 6, “Athena”, owned by Intuitive Machines, will touch down.

Район будущей посадки аппарата Blue Ghost отмечен белым квадратом / © NASA / GSFC / Arizona State UniversityРайон планируемой посадки аппарата «Афина» / © NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University