U.S. military officials announced they are preparing for potential warfare in space.

During the Spacepower conference hosted by the Space Force Association in Orlando, General Bradley Chance Saltzman, head of U.S. Space Command, stated that "space is now a theater of operations."
Американские военные объявили о своих планах по подготовке к возможным конфликтам в космосе.
Верхняя ступень ракеты Vulcan Centaur / © ULA

The shift in the United States' approach to space warfare is largely due to the fact that their two main strategic adversaries—China and Russia—have already tested capabilities that can destroy or incapacitate American military satellites. Consequently, the U.S. Space Forces now aim to develop their own space weaponry.

One concept that the military may adopt was recently proposed by Tory Bruno, the CEO of United Launch Alliance (ULA). According to his statement, a modernized version of the Vulcan rocket's upper stage could be transformed into a sort of space tug that would operate in orbit, capable of protecting especially valuable U.S. satellites by intercepting missile attacks launched from ground installations.