An astronaut demonstrated how to change a camera lens in zero gravity.

NASA astronaut Don Pettit is an accomplished photographer, arguably one of the best to have ever traveled to space. In a recent video filmed aboard the International Space Station and shared on social media platform X, Pettit demonstrated how to change camera lenses in a weightless environment.
Астронавт продемонстрировал, как менять объектив камеры в условиях невесомости.
Дон Петтит и его камера на борту МКС / © NASA / Don Pettit

One of the most exhausting situations photographers face is changing lenses, particularly in the field. It's essential to find a secure spot to place the detached lens and ensure it doesn't get dirty. In the weightlessness of the ISS, Pettit avoids these issues by simply placing another lens in front of him.

Nikon representatives commented on Pettit's video, saying, "Don't try this at home."

Another commentator joked, "How often, while on Earth, do you accidentally drop a lens, expecting it to float in zero gravity?"