A bioprinter for organ printing developed by scientists at NITU MISIS has been launched on the market.

The in situ bioprinter is now available for order on the domestic scientific equipment search and selection service "NASH LABA." This type of device has already facilitated the world's first bioprinting operation performed on a human.
Биопринтер для создания органов, разработанный учеными НИТУ МИСИС, теперь доступен на рынке.

The complex is designed for the restoration of tissues and organs directly at the wound site. The device scans the defect and creates a three-dimensional map of it. Bioprinting is performed along a specified trajectory, typically taking about five minutes. Additionally, the device adapts to the patient’s breathing and is compatible with various types of hydrogels. Besides research in the field of tissue engineering, the in situ bioprinter is suitable for other industries and can function as a "traditional" 3D printer.

“MISIS University is a leader in engineering and technological approaches in the field of three-dimensional bioprinting and biofabrication. Other universities seek our engineering solutions, as successful development of new approaches requires close interaction and coordination between various organizations and companies.

For SamGMU, we have developed a software-hardware complex for scanning and bioprinting for their robotic system. For Sechenov University, we are currently creating a medical bioprinter that will operate in clinical settings with "bioinks" being developed by our colleagues. We are always open to collaboration,” explained Fyodor Senatov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Director of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at NITU MISIS.

The complex was created as part of the national project “New Health Preservation Technologies” in collaboration with pioneers in bioprinting – the company “3D Bioprinting Solutions.” The robotic system is Russian-made, from the company Robopro. Graduate students from the advanced engineering school at MISIS “Materials Science, Additive and Cross-Sectional Technologies” participated in the development of the bioprinter. The equipment is being manufactured at the university's experimental-industrial production of medical devices, with implemented GOST ISO 13485-2017 standards.

“OUR LAB” is a service for finding and selecting scientific equipment and consumables produced in Russia and Belarus, established in July 2022 by the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in Science and Education under the President of Russia's Council on Science and Education.