The ESA will test a nuclear engine demonstrator in space.

The Brussels-based company Tractebel has completed a study commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA). The objective was to develop a roadmap for the creation of nuclear propulsion systems for space exploration.
Европейское космическое агентство протестирует ядерный двигатель в космосе.
Художественное изображение ядерного буксира / © ESA

The work on the roadmap under the initiative pReliminary eurOpean reCKon on nuclEar elecTric pROpuLsion for space appLications (RocketRoll), which began in 2022, concluded in October 2024.

The primary objectives of the study were: to conduct initial feasibility assessments for the nuclear engine project; to identify key technologies for its implementation; and to uncover any potential economic and industrial barriers to developing the propulsion system.

In its final report, Tractebel announced ESA's plans to launch a demonstration nuclear power system in space by 2035.

The long-term goal of the RocketRoll initiative is to enable more efficient exploration of space beyond Mars, where solar energy is limited, by developing a tug with a nuclear power system.