Firefly Aerospace will deliver NASA's rover to the Moon in 2028.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has selected Firefly Aerospace for its third mission to deliver payloads to the Moon. This time, the mission will include a lunar rover onboard, with the launch scheduled for 2028. The contract is valued at $179.6 million.
Firefly Aerospace отправит ровер NASA на Луну в 2028 году.
Рендер лунного модуля Blue Ghost 3 и лунохода / © Firefly Aerospace

The mission utilizes the Blue Ghost 3 lander from the American private company Firefly Aerospace. It will deliver six payloads to the Moon to study the Gruithuisen crater and collect regolith samples. Some of the scientific instruments will be installed on a lunar rover.

The primary goal is to assist scientists in understanding the formation of the Gruithuisen domes, a region with rocks that appear to be composed of silica-rich magma, similar to granite. On Earth, granite forms as a result of plate tectonics and in the presence of water, which is absent on the Moon, so researchers are uncertain how the Gruithuisen domes were formed.