Photo: Construction of a massive multifunctional stadium in Saudi Arabia.

Last year, Saudi Arabia unveiled the project for a multifunctional stadium named after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The new arena will be situated atop a 200-meter cliff, not far from Riyadh.
Изображение: возведение масштабного многофункционального стадиона в Саудовской Аравии.

The sports arena will be the first stadium in the world to feature a fully retractable combined field and roof. The LED wall is set to broadcast the most significant and dramatic events taking place inside the venue.

Рендер многофункционального стадиона имени принца Мухаммеда бин Салмана / © SaudiProject

Forty-five thousand spectators will be able to enjoy an exhilarating spectacle while watching competitions among the best clubs and football teams globally.

Рендер многофункционального стадиона имени принца Мухаммеда бин Салмана / © SaudiProject