Where in Dnipro is there no water on December 28?

Residents of several streets in the regional center were left without water supply for a day.
Где в Днепре 28 декабря отсутствует водоснабжение?

On Saturday, December 28, emergency repairs are being conducted by utility services in Dnipro at several addresses, as reported by "Vidomo" citing the Dnipro City Council.

To carry out urgent emergency work on D. Halitsky Street, water supply has been suspended until 8:00 AM on December 29, 2024, at the following addresses:

– D. Halitsky St., 3-25,

– Volynska St.,

– Pryamaya St.,

– Volnovakha St.,

– Volnovakha Lane,

– Uzbek St.,

– Boychukovskyi Lane,

– Lazurna St.,

– Pravo-Berezhna St.,

– Shalyapina St.,

– Shcherbakovska St.,

– Electrosvarna St.

Teams from KP "Dniprovodokanal" are conducting emergency work at the following addresses:

– Dmytro Skorobohatov St., 5, with water supply suspended at Dmytro Skorobohatov St., 7;

– Myroslav Skoryk St., 5, with water supply suspended for the entire street.

Due to repair work, the operation of the KP "Teploenergo" boiler houses has been halted. Temporary heating supply is unavailable at the following addresses:

– Pasteura St., 2,

– D. Yavornytskyi Ave., 104, 119, 121,

– Otechestvenna St., 93.

Water supply and heating services at the above addresses will resume immediately after the completion of the work.