An engineer set a new world record by living underwater for 120 days.

On January 24, 2025, German aerospace engineer Rüdiger Koch set a new world record for the longest underwater stay without compromising integrity, spending 120 days in a capsule at a depth of 11 meters off the coast of Panama. The previous record was held by someone who lasted 100 days.
Инженер установил новый мировой рекорд, проведя 120 дней под водой.
Рюдигер Кох в капсуле под водой / © Getty Images

In the Cochlea capsule, which spans approximately 30 square meters, there are most of the modern life essentials: a bed, a toilet, a television, a computer with internet access, and even an exercise bike. Solar panels on the surface provided the capsule with electricity.

Food supplies for Cochlea were delivered through a pipe that connected his space to another chamber elevated above the water. In case of emergency, doctors could be lowered to him immediately.

Надводная часть сооружения капсулы Коха / © Getty Images