From Beijing to New York in two hours: Space Transportation has unveiled a model of its supersonic aircraft.

At the Space Tech Expo & Conference Europe, which concluded on November 21 in Bremen, Germany, the Chinese company Space Transportation unveiled a model of its future supersonic aircraft, Cuantianhou.
Из Пекина в Нью-Йорк всего за два часа: Space Transportation анонсировала концепцию сверхзвукового самолета.
Модель сверхзвукового самолета Cuantianhou компании Space Transportation на выставке Space Tech Expo & Conference Europe / © SpaceNews / Andrew Jones

The General Manager of Space Transportation, Fan Den, reported that engineers are planning to conduct the first tests of the prototype of the reusable supersonic aircraft Cuantianhou in the second half of 2025. According to him, the prototype will be capable of reaching a cruising speed of up to 4900 kilometers per hour, with a flight range of 3000 kilometers and an altitude exceeding 20 kilometers.

The ultimate goal of the Cuantianhou project is to create an aircraft by 2027 that can transport two passengers from Beijing to New York in approximately two hours.

According to the company's plans, a larger passenger aircraft capable of carrying 50 people will be ready by 2031. Its length will be 30 meters, weight 70 tons, and speed will reach up to 6100 kilometers per hour.