The chairperson of the "Servant of the People" party and head of the Committee on State Power Organization, Local Self-Government, Regional Development, and Urban Planning of the Verkhovna Rada, Elena Shulyak, stated that the experience of conducting post-war elections in other countries is being studied, but Ukraine faces many more challenges, as reported by "Vidomo".
"There will be an issue with the number of overseas voting stations based at consulates. Currently, there are just over 100, but to ensure that all willing Ukrainians can express their will, we will need thousands of such stations, because we know how many of our people are in Germany, Poland, and other countries, and we understand that technically, this may not be feasible. Therefore, together with our colleagues from the electoral commissions of other countries and with the help of the Council of Europe, we have analyzed various legislations and looked into the possibility of conducting postal voting or internet voting there," she said.
According to Shulyak, an optimal solution has not yet been found.
"If we consider internet voting, for example, Estonia has been working towards this for 25 years. Of course, Ukraine is not ready for this yet, and a lot needs to be done not only at the legislative level but also in terms of societal perception and technical solutions to ensure the system can function. The level of trust in postal voting is very low, I believe it's around 8 percent, so this issue remains quite pressing," Shulyak noted.
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Prefects for monitoring local authorities' decisions: Elena Shulyak revealed when the law is expected to be adopted