What will the weather be like in Dnipropetrovsk region on November 23?

What weather forecast do meteorologists predict for the residents of the Dnipropetrovsk region on November 23?
Какая погода ожидается в Днепропетровской области 23 ноября?

On Saturday, November 23, cloudy weather is expected in Dnipro and the surrounding area, with heavy rain and gusty winds in some places. This information is provided by "Vidomo" citing the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for Hydrometeorology.

Residents of the regional center are warned about the downpour (15-49 mm), leading to the declaration of level I (yellow) danger.

The region will experience a prevailing southern wind, shifting to the northwest during the day at speeds of 7-12 m/s, with gusts reaching 17-22 m/s.

In Dnipro, thermometer readings will show 4-6 degrees Celsius at night and 8-10 degrees Celsius during the day.

Throughout the Dnipropetrovsk region, the air temperature will be 3-8 degrees Celsius at night and 6-11 degrees Celsius during the day.