China has successfully launched another sixth-generation fighter jet into the sky.

On December 26, numerous photos and videos of a sixth-generation fighter jet's flight surfaced on Chinese social media. Before analysts could thoroughly discuss this news, the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation took to the skies with its own version of the sixth-generation fighter.
Китай успешно испытал новый истребитель шестого поколения, подняв его в воздух.

Images of the aircraft from Shenyang Aircraft Corporation began to circulate on social media just hours after the first appearance of the diamond-shaped, tailless, heavy tactical combat fighter, which, according to unconfirmed reports, belongs to Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.

Новый истребитель, принадлежащий китайской корпорации Shenyang Aircraft Corporation / © Weibo

Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation are competing for contracts from the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). Shenyang is responsible for the development of the Flanker family of multirole fighters and the J-35 stealth fighter family, while Chengdu builds the J-10 multirole fighters and the J-20 heavy stealth fighters.

The new aircraft from Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, based on the photos, appears to be smaller than the sixth-generation fighter from Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.