China's key to victory: a new material has been developed that renders aircraft invisible to radar.

Researchers from the Defense Science and Technology University of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) have announced the development of a coating that can render Chinese aircraft invisible to radar systems designed to detect stealth technology.
Ключ к успеху Китая: разработан материал, который делает самолеты невидимыми для радаров.
Новейший малозаметный истребитель J-35A / © Chen Yang

According to data from the publication South China Morning Post, a new lightweight and flexible material, with a thickness of two sheets of paper, effectively absorbs low-frequency electromagnetic waves from various angles.

It can be produced in large quantities and used to coat aircraft and other military equipment that need to be rendered invisible to radar.

Researchers noted that this development could be the "key to victory in future wars" for China.