A Nobel Prize-winning physicist admitted he doesn't fully understand the AI technology he helped develop.

American scientist John Hopfield, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2024 for his groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence, expressed his concerns about recent advancements in the field, labeling them as "extremely alarming" and warning of a potential catastrophe.
Лауреат Нобелевской премии по физике признался, что не полностью осознает технологию ИИ, в разработке которой принимал участие.

John Hopfield, an honorary professor at Princeton, remarked during his presentation that modern AI systems appear to be "absolute wonders," yet there is a lack of understanding regarding their operation. According to the Nobel laureate, this "really makes him nervous."

Hopfield, along with fellow Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2024 Jeffrey Hinton, strongly advocates for studying how neural networks function, as it is currently impossible to determine how to avert catastrophic scenarios if large companies grant AI excessive computing power.