Moscow scientists revealed how people will be able to choose their professions in the future.

Experts from the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University have proposed the development of an informational system based on simulations for career guidance and self-discovery. This specialized system will utilize simulations to showcase various career paths, allowing individuals to explore their interests and abilities. It aims to help users gain a better understanding of themselves and make informed career choices.
Московские исследователи объяснили, как в будущем люди смогут выбирать свою профессию.

Researchers from MGPPU, Irina Nurkaeva, Egor Savenkov, and Dmitry Katyshev, have developed a model of an application that can display various career paths for users and allow them to explore their interests and abilities. The results of their work have been published in the scientific journal "Modeling and Data Analysis".

In the educational environment, the role of a guide in self-discovery and an educator in career orientation is fulfilled by a psychologist. The development proposed by the MGPPU scientists could computerize the work of practical psychologists and enable a greater number of people to receive assistance in self-discovery and choosing their future careers.

In the self-discovery system (application), users can freely choose and learn about themselves while interacting with others, as well as obtain additional information to understand the world around them. All actions can be performed at their own pace.

The self-discovery system includes three stages: viewing art, group reflection, and feedback. It employs a town simulation for interaction with art and communication with other users.

The first stage involves viewing works of art: users can explore digital art within the town simulation. Here, photo-buttons lead to various locations and artworks situated in the art gallery.

The second stage is reflection. After viewing, users can express their thoughts and feelings in a special interface, where they can discuss both the entire exhibition and individual pieces. Users can leave messages for others. A global chat will be created for the third stage, where users can share their thoughts and receive feedback from others.

The system will automatically record all user actions. This will help identify similarities among individuals and reveal common interests. At the same time, through the system, employers will be able to find potential candidates and contact them using information about the preferences and skills of the application users.

The effectiveness of the system will be evaluated based on surveys and observations to determine whether the application aids in self-discovery and career path selection.