Men gain weight and height at twice the rate of women.

An international team of researchers examined data from the World Health Organization to investigate changes in physical differences between men and women over the past century. The findings revealed that humanity as a whole is becoming taller and heavier, with men experiencing these changes at twice the rate of women.
Мужчины увеличивают вес и рост в два раза быстрее, чем женщины.

Sexual size dimorphism — significant differences between males and females — is present in many animal species. Scientists identify two main reasons for these differences: in some species, males are larger due to competition for females or their preferences, while in others, females are larger for reproductive reasons.

In humans, on average, men are taller, more muscular, and weigh more than women. Previous studies have indicated that this difference is likely linked to competition among men for women — larger men had an advantage in the past.

In today's world, sexual dimorphism seems to be becoming less significant; however, men continue to grow larger. Some researchers have suggested that this may be due to women's preferences for taller and larger partners.

An international team, consisting of a gender specialist, a psychologist, and a behaviorist, examined the changes in human sexual dimorphism over the last century. They found evidence of an increase in sexual dimorphism among humans. The scientific article was published in the journal Biology Letters.

The researchers accessed a database from the World Health Organization, which contains information on millions of people. It stores data dating back to 1900 and includes the Human Development Index — a measure of national living standards. The HDI is calculated using data on life expectancy, education, and purchasing power of the population in the selected area.

The scientists analyzed data from approximately 135,000 individuals across 62 countries and discovered that both men and women have become taller and heavier over this time period. The authors of the study linked this trend to improvements in nutrition and healthcare worldwide.

They also found that men are growing taller and heavier at twice the rate of women. This rapid increase in size among men has its downsides, primarily related to health issues. For instance, taller men are more frequently at risk of developing cancer and require more food to sustain their bodies, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases.