NASA has updated its list of potential landing sites for astronauts in the lunar south pole region.

In August 2022, experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a list of 13 potential landing sites for the Artemis III mission near the Moon's south pole. Now, after evaluating the capabilities of SpaceX's Starship landing module, NASA has revised this list.
NASA обновило список локаций для высадки астронавтов в зоне южного полюса Луны.
Обновленный список мест посадки астронавтов в районе южного полюса Луны / © NASA

Nine locations—these are the same regions from the earlier list, along with new sites added. All of them are clustered around the Moon's south pole, an area of research interest due to the possible deposits of water ice in lunar craters.

NASA has also noted that future missions under the Artemis program will not be limited to this list but will also include the previous list of 13 locations, as well as other potential sites that may hold scientific significance.