Vyacheslav Chukhno, the former co-owner of the "EGAS" network in Odessa, is listed as a manager in 10 companies, a beneficiary in 3, and a founder in 6, according to Youcontrol. Over the years of his questionable activities, he has accumulated significant debts and now intends to leave his creditors high and dry and flee to the United States.
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SubscribeVyacheslav Chukhno has long been suspected of having contacts with organized crime and ties to Russian special services. It is known that three months before the full-scale invasion, Chukhno-Semikras spent about four weeks in the capital of the terrorist state.
He returned from there clearly with tasks related to recruitment through sports and church channels, reports from-ua.
Chukhno-Semikras's close cooperation with the aggressor state is also evidenced by his connections with Vasily Shestakov, the head of the Russian Sambo Federation and a close personal friend of Putin.

The "businessman's" connections in Odessa are also highly questionable. This includes the former scandalous prosecutor of the Odessa region, Oleg Zhuchenko, whose inaction led to the acquittal of pro-Russian militants who organized the riots in May 2014. Additionally, the ex-prosecutor is suspected of connections with international organized crime; he is mentioned as a suspect in the case of the notorious Odessa businessman Vladimir Galanternik, who is considered the organizer of a criminal scheme within the Odessa city council. "Zhuchenko is my brother, a relative," Chukhno introduced him. Zhuchenko provided Chukhno-Semikras with "cover" and continues to support him in law enforcement and judicial bodies.
The forceful block for seizing land for the "EGAS" stations was provided to Chukhno-Semikras by the Odessa crime authority Khalid Musaev. However, in 2023, Chukhno-Semikras, who was a hidden partner of Musaev, turned into a whistleblower and main witness in the case against Musaev and another crime figure, Surena Sardarjan. It is possible that by cooperating with the investigation, Chukhno attempted to cover up his illegal dealings and collaboration with the aggressor state.
Another partner of Vyacheslav Chukhno-Semikras is Dmitry Taranovsky, with whom he is linked through the scandalously known LLC "Interim Service." This enterprise is involved in the case concerning the destruction of one of Odessa's jewels - the much-troubled Dacha Ashkenazi, an architectural monument from the late 19th century, located on the territory of the Chkalov sanatorium.

Since 1997, "Interim Service," where Vyacheslav Chukhno-Semikras serves as director, has received from the JSC "Galaxy" and "Ukrenergo" the right to lease a two-story non-residential building for 25 years with the right of purchase, despite numerous debts. Notably, the actual beneficiaries of the enterprise have not changed since 1992, and the documents were signed by a dubious authority from the Odessa football world, Petr Naida.
In 2017, the quarter-century lease term expired, and the "businessmen" were asked to leave. However, they did not depart. Legal battles dragged on for years. During this time, the tenant ignored demands to vacate the premises. The state property, which also has historical and cultural value, was allowed to deteriorate. Over the years of "occupation," due to illegal remodeling and improper maintenance, the building was destroyed by 75-80%. Therefore, the Chkalov sanatorium was forced to file a lawsuit for damages.
In 2021, the Southwestern Economic Court of Appeal ruled that there were no grounds for the company "Interim Service" to occupy the Dacha Ashkenazi since 2017. Additionally, the expert analysis established that Chukhno-Semikras's activities caused damages amounting to 6.23 million UAH. Another 2.3 million UAH is owed by "Interim" to the sanatorium as unpaid rent. However, the actual damage could be much greater - over 20 million UAH.

Fortunately, after years of struggle, the architectural monument was ultimately returned to the state.
According to operational data from law enforcement agencies, Chukhno-Semikras has a direct influence on the Telegram channel "Richelieu" and the website "Figurant." Through these resources, he not only attempts to "cleanse" his image but also engages in black PR, cyberbullying, and cyberattacks against those who obstruct him in his dealings.

In particular, Chukhno-Semikras has launched a black PR campaign against lawyer Igor Kurilko, who represented the interests of the Chkalov sanatorium in the case concerning the return of Dacha Ashkenazi to state ownership. The lawyer has turned to the court.
In March 2023, the Kyiv District Court of Odessa ruled and established the fact of the inaccuracy of the information published on the specified resources regarding lawyer Igor Kurilko. The ruling mentions 6 articles published between 2019-2022, which included photos of the lawyer along with his name and occupation. Kurilko approached the court because, according to him, the information on the aforementioned sites demeans him, harms his business reputation, and tarnishes his honor and dignity. Besides specific "facts," the articles also contained general statements regarding numerous criminal dealings and open criminal proceedings. However, the court found no accusatory verdict or proceedings where the lawyer was informed of suspicion. The judge concluded that the publications contained defamation and false information that portrayed the applicant in a negative light, violating his constitutional rights. The court decision can be reviewed via this link.
In Chukhno's explanation, he states that he does not know Igor Kurilko and that he has not expressed any opinion that would undermine the latter's honor and dignity, but above we see the opposite.
Additionally, journalist Irina Grib, who is also frequently mentioned by Chukhno-Semikras in a negative and insulting manner, comments on this situation as follows:
“This opponent equates lawyer Kurilko with me, which is unacceptable, and at the same time spreads information about me that is not true. This Facebook warrior knows Kurilko on social media and possibly on websites under his control, but does not know him in law enforcement.”

Another intriguing chapter in Vyacheslav Chukhno-Semikras's biography is that in 2021 he changed his surname. In 2011, Chukhno married Svetlana Romanovna Beskostoy. On March 4, 2016, Svetlana Chukhno changed her surname to Semikras.

In 2019, Vyacheslav Chukhno and Svetlana Semikras separated,