— Cold weather is quite common during Epiphany. This is typically linked to the peculiarities of atmospheric circulation at this time of year: the middle of winter, the land has already cooled sufficiently, and in the Northern Hemisphere, local atmospheric centers of action, such as the Siberian anticyclone, begin to exert their influence. What is an anticyclone? Let’s recall our school geography lessons. It is a synoptic vortex with high pressure at its center.
Stable and clear weather is observed. In winter, it brings cold weather, while in summer, it leads to heat. However, the presence of an anticyclone is not a strict rule; exceptions do occur. For instance, this year, the region is dominated by zonal air mass transfer from the North Atlantic. This means we can expect predominantly warm and frost-free weather. This is influenced by numerous climate-forming factors, noted Maxim Simakin, a staff member of PNIPU, an expert in oceanology, and a member of the Russian Geographical Society. Who should avoid dipping into the water?
A sudden plunge into icy water causes spasms in peripheral blood vessels, which increases arterial pressure and accelerates the pulse. This is a stress for the entire body, especially for the heart.
— For pensioners or individuals with heart conditions, a sudden immersion in water can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Pregnant women may experience disruptions in fetal blood circulation, which can affect its nutrition. Additionally, the immune system of a pregnant woman is usually somewhat weakened to prevent rejection of the fetus. Hypothermia can contribute to the development of colds and viral diseases, says Sergey Solodnikov, a scientific consultant on pharmacology at the ChemBio Research Center of Perm Polytechnic, and a candidate of medical sciences.
Moreover, one should avoid immersion if experiencing symptoms of a cold or chronic illnesses.
— When immersing oneself in an ice hole, a person is unlikely to get cold, as the water temperature is higher than the air temperature. However, prolonged exposure to icy water can lead to hypothermia. Additionally, danger lurks after bathing. The body experiences a secondary cooling, accompanied by chills, which again affects the blood vessels, notes Sergey Solodnikov.
According to the expert, when entering the water with your feet, you should adapt for a bit, around 20–40 seconds, and then quickly submerge without lingering. After exiting the water, it is crucial to put on warm, dry, and windproof clothing immediately, including a hat and gloves. It’s important to ensure that your ears, throat, and feet do not get cold. This is particularly relevant for those unaccustomed to the cold. A hot drink can help warm you from the inside. Alcohol should also be avoided, as it creates a false sense of warmth but does not actually help in warming up.
Hardening through cold water, from a scientific perspective, is a process of the body adapting to low temperatures. This induces physiological stress, mobilizing the body’s reserves, including changes in vascular function, metabolism, and the immune system.
Winter swimming is an extreme hardening practice based on brief immersion of the body in icy water. It causes a sharp physiological stress, accompanied by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the mobilization of thermoregulation mechanisms. It is believed that this practice should enhance the body’s resistance to various diseases, including infections.
— A person who regularly engages in winter swimming develops a reaction to hypothermia, and the duration of cooling will be longer. Hardening leads to a different algorithm of organ functioning, as cold reduces the intensity of metabolism in tissues and organs. For example, during open-heart surgeries, the heart is cooled to below 30 degrees. The heart tissues then easily recover since they did not die but transitioned to a somewhat sluggish but reversible state. Hardening trains this state of reduced metabolism in the tissues, Sergey Solodnikov, a scientific consultant on pharmacology at the ChemBio Research Center of Perm Polytechnic, and a candidate of medical sciences, reported.
Frost running, or hardening running, is a type of physical activity aimed at increasing the body’s resilience to adverse environmental factors, primarily cold. Typically, this involves running in cold weather in light clothing or even with a bare torso.
— Hardening running trains the body to function under conditions of reduced metabolism while simultaneously activating the muscular, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Thus, the body works intensely despite the slowdown in cellular metabolism. According to the expert, a completely healthy person can withstand such a load, but the question of its practicality and real benefits for the body remains open. It should be emphasized that such loads are contraindicated for individuals with weakened health, says Sergey Solodnikov.
The expert notes that as the ambient temperature drops, the body activates thermogenesis, using glucose as the primary substrate. Part of the necessary glucose can be mobilized from fat reserves, leading to additional energy expenditure and, consequently, weight loss. Therefore, training in low-temperature conditions can enhance the effects of weight loss.