Experience the thrill of being an astronaut: Sen has launched a live stream of Earth from the ISS.

On January 27, 2025, the British company Sen launched a live 4K video stream from space. The Sen camera, positioned at the docking port of the International Space Station, enables anyone interested to view Earth from orbit.
Стань космонавтом: Sen начала прямую трансляцию видео Земли с Международной космической станции!
Снимки лесных пожаров в Нижней Калифорнии, сделанные одной из камер Sen, установленных на МКС / © Sen

“Through live streaming, we aim to provide people with the opportunity to see that we live on a beautiful planet and to raise awareness about ecological events and climate change,” said Charles Black, founder and CEO of Sen.

The 4K live stream is available on the Sen website.