Fires in Los Angeles have caused NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to halt operations for the first time.

Last week, wildfires engulfing the Los Angeles area posed a threat to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena. This prompted the leadership of the American space agency to evacuate staff from the research facility, leaving its premises unoccupied. This unprecedented situation has not occurred since the lab's establishment in the 20th century.
Пожары в Лос-Анджелесе впервые приостановили деятельность Лаборатории реактивного движения NASA.
Комната управления Deep Space Network в Лаборатории реактивного движения NASA в Пасадене, штат Калифорния, осталась пустовать после эвакуации сотрудников учреждения / © Nola Taylor Redd

Although the research center remained unharmed, the emergency significantly disrupted the data processing operations associated with the Deep Space Network (DSN). This network ensures continuous communication with the Voyager probes, rovers, and the Juno spacecraft, which is exploring Jupiter and its moons.