The prototype of a unique British cargo plane will be dismantled.

In the United Kingdom, the dismantling of the one-of-a-kind prototype large cargo aircraft, the Conroy Skymonster, has begun. This aircraft was developed from the Canadair CL-44 in the 1960s. The decision to disassemble it was made due to corrosion and a lack of funds for its restoration.
Прототип уникального британского грузового самолета будет разобран на составляющие.
Conroy Skymonster / © Chris Chennell, Tony Guest

Large components of the aircraft's structure, including the fuselage, will be sent to the Museum of Aviation in South Wales, where they will be displayed as exhibits. The remaining parts will be transferred to other museums and collectors for the restoration of additional historical aircraft.

The Skymonster was designed by American pilot and businessman John M. Conroy as a transport aircraft intended for the transportation of three Rolls-Royce RB.211 jet engines from Northern Ireland to California (USA).