Psychologists have discovered the reasons behind why men feel envy towards women and vice versa.

Perceptions of how men and women live and the qualities they possess often lead to envy between the genders. To gain a deeper understanding of the gender stereotypes present in contemporary society, researchers from the Czech Republic conducted an analysis of this envy.
Психологи исследовали причины зависти мужчин к женщинам и женщин к мужчинам.

Many recent studies in sociology and psychology examine whether popular beliefs about women and men hold true. For instance, according to one study, men encounter manipulation in relationships more frequently, while women do not always decide how to allocate family budget funds.

Experts from the University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic investigated what is referred to as gender envy, which arises towards the opposite sex due to qualities and privileges that are supposedly inherent to them. The findings of the study were published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Psychology.

The authors of the article utilized data provided by 1,769 residents of the Czech Republic aged 15 and older. Survey participants answered the question, "What makes you envious of members of the opposite sex?" in an open-ended format. Some wrote a few words in list form, while others composed detailed sentences.

Upon analyzing the responses, the researchers identified three categories into which all reasons for envy could be divided: social advantages, physical attributes, and psychological traits.

Women were more likely to envy men due to perceived social privileges, such as higher salaries, opportunities for career advancement, and freedom from societal pressure regarding appearance. Many female respondents noted that men have the chance to "relax" and enjoy life without the burden of household responsibilities and childcare. Conversely, men expressed envy towards women's ability to influence others' behavior through beauty and charm, as well as their freedom to openly express emotions without societal judgment.

Regarding physical qualities, women envied men's strength, as well as their exemption from menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. The ability of men to age naturally without facing intense societal scrutiny over age-related changes was also mentioned. Male respondents admired female beauty and elegance, as well as the capacity to bring new life into the world.

The category of "Psychological qualities" highlighted how social expectations shape perceptions of emotional and cognitive traits. For instance, men envied women's ability to multitask, while women admired men's emotional stability and their logical, rational approach to life.

Interestingly, 42% of surveyed women and 56% of male respondents stated that they do not feel envy towards the opposite sex at all. The authors concluded that although biological differences and social roles can lead to feelings of envy, many individuals view them positively or neutrally.

“Our long-term goal is to delve deeper into gender envy and gain a better understanding of its causes and manifestations, including on an international level. We are already working on collecting data in countries with diverse cultural contexts, such as Portugal, North Macedonia, Slovakia, and Yemen,” the researchers summarized.