Raw food, veganism, and the carnivore diet: an expert from PNIPU has warned about potential health risks associated with these dietary choices.

An increasing number of individuals are focusing on their diets and seeking ways to enhance their health, reduce their environmental impact, or express their ethical beliefs. One of the emerging trends in nutrition is the elimination of certain food products. An expert from PNIPU discussed whether humans are classified as carnivores, which vegetables become more nutritious after cooking, how vegan diets for children can lead to developmental delays, and whether wheat protein-based sausages are indeed better than fish and meat.
Сыроедение, веганство и карнивор-диета: специалист ПНИПУ отметил возможные риски для здоровья при соблюдении этих режимов питания.

In 2018, the Ministry of Health of Russia established criteria for a healthy lifestyle. Among these are: quitting smoking and consuming at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits daily. According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the daily norm for protein intake from plant and animal sources for men ranges from 65 to 117 grams, while for women it is from 58 to 87 grams. Ekaterina Bankovskaya, an associate professor at the Department of Chemical Technologies at Perm Polytechnic University and a candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, explained what happens to the human body when one does not follow general recommendations and opts for raw food diets, veganism, or a carnivore diet.

Human: Predator or Herbivore?

During evolution, animals, including humans, developed organs such as the pancreas and liver. These emerged as a result of the adaptation of the digestive tract to both animal and plant-based foods.

“For instance, when adhering to a specific diet for an extended period, the secretory process in the pancreas undergoes adaptive changes. These manifest in the quantity of juice and the ratio of secreted enzymes. It is known that the amount of gastric juice produced in a day is: for cattle – 30 liters, for horses – 20 liters. For sheep and pigs, it is four liters, for dogs – 2-3 liters, and for humans – about two liters. It is evident that humans, like carnivorous and omnivorous animals, produce relatively little gastric juice,” explains Ekaterina Bankovskaya, associate professor at the Department of Chemical Technologies at Perm Polytechnic University and a candidate of pharmaceutical sciences.

This data confirms that for a healthy person without any diseases, a diverse diet that includes both plant and animal foods is most preferable.

Raw Food Diet – The Most Discussed Diet

The name speaks for itself: people consume only those products that have not undergone heat treatment – raw vegetables, fruits, berries, and soaked grains. Meat, fish, and baked goods prepared at temperatures above 45 degrees are excluded.

On one hand, this diet has its benefits: raw vegetables, fruits, and berries are considered more beneficial for the body since no substances have been destroyed, and the same applies to soaked grains. Additionally, a person’s digestion, dental health, and gum condition significantly improve, and muscle tone temporarily increases.

“However, over time (which varies for each individual), a person begins to feel exhaustion and a decline in strength. This is due to a deficiency of vitamin B12, which can lead to anemia. Furthermore, circulation may be disrupted, and the functionality of the intestines gradually decreases. It is also worth noting that thermally unprocessed foods may contain pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, leading to digestive issues, frequent poisoning, and allergies,” warns Ekaterina Bankovskaya.

Vegetables After Heat Treatment

Many raw food enthusiasts are unaware that during heat treatment, only a portion of beneficial substances is lost, while another part may actually increase.

According to the expert, when tomatoes are heated, the content of the antioxidant lycopene doubles. The same mechanism applies to spinach, onions, and carrots. Pectin from apples becomes more accessible for the body and is better absorbed from baked or soaked apples. Cooked fruits do not cause bloating, acidity, or unpleasant sensations in the mouth and stomach.

Who Should Avoid Raw Food Diets?

Doctors do not recommend transitioning to a raw food diet for children, pregnant women, and individuals with heart and kidney diseases.

“The reason is that to feel completely satiated, one must consume a significantly larger quantity of raw plant foods. This can lead not only to excessive strain on internal organs and their rapid wear but also to obsessive orthorexia (an unhealthy fixation on healthy and proper eating). This condition is difficult to diagnose and treat further,” explains the expert from PNIPU.

Vegetarianism – Eating Without Meat

Vegetarianism is not just a dietary system, but also a philosophical concept advocating against the killing of animals. There are several varieties, such as flexitarianism – a softer approach allowing meat and seafood occasionally, about once a month. Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism permits the consumption of dairy products and eggs.

“In discussing the benefits or harms of this approach, it is essential to consider age and individual health characteristics. For instance, vegetarianism is contraindicated for children and adolescents because it is crucial for them to receive a complete range of micro- and macronutrients, vitamins, as well as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which may be lacking in their chosen diet. However, for individuals with excess weight and hypertension, several detox days a week may be beneficial,” reflects Ekaterina Bankovskaya.

There are studies indicating that vegetarians are less likely to develop obesity, cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and some types of diabetes. However, researchers do not attribute this solely to diet: often, adherents of this diet maintain a healthy lifestyle overall, including regular exercise, healthy sleep, and abstaining from alcohol and tobacco. Nevertheless, even classical vegetarians can develop musculoskeletal disorders along with deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins and trace elements.

Strict Vegetarianism – Veganism

Veganism is a lifestyle aiming to exclude (as much as possible) all forms of exploitation and violence against animals for food, clothing, or any other purposes. Due to the high amount of antioxidants obtained from fruits and vegetables, individuals may experience improved emotional well-being, skin condition, and overall health, but simultaneously, deficiencies arise due to the absence of milk and eggs in the diet.

“The human body absorbs iron from plant foods less efficiently. This can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and iron deficiency anemia. There are two types of iron: heme iron, obtained from animal sources, and non-heme iron, derived from plants. A deficiency of this substance can weaken the immune system, reducing resistance to colds, viral, and bacterial infections. Complications may arise in the nervous system, liver function may be disrupted, and menstrual cycle irregularities may occur,” notes Ekaterina Bankovskaya.

Additionally, veganism can lead to a deficiency of essential amino acids, vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, and phosphorus. These deficiencies can be compensated for by changing the diet or regularly consuming supplements.

Alternative Protein Sources for Vegans

Humans require amino acids, which are not classified as “plant” or “animal.” Complete proteins containing all essential amino acids can be found in leafy vegetables, nuts, sprouted wheat grains, other cereals, lentils, beans, and other legumes, soy, and soy products (tofu, okara).

“Recently, a new product has appeared in Russia – vegetarian sausages, hot dogs, and frankfurters made from easily digestible wheat protein. All these products are even richer sources of complete protein than fish and meat,” concluded Ekaterina Bankovskaya.

Vegan Children at Risk

According to the expert, a deficiency of carnosine – a substance made from two amino acids that is produced and stored in the nervous tissue of the brain, muscle cells, and heart cells – can lead to developmental delays and cognitive impairment. A lack of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can result in heart disease and mental health issues. Children are particularly vulnerable to this risk.

What is a Carnivore Diet?

Another controversial dietary trend is the carnivore diet. It is based on the consumption of exclusively animal-derived products. This diet lacks vitamins found in vegetables and fruits. For example, plant foods – unprocessed grains, figs, almonds, nuts, dark green vegetables, bananas, cereals, and legumes – are particularly rich in magnesium. Its importance as a macroelement is evident as it serves as a universal regulator of biochemical and physiological processes in the body and is a donor of energy in cellular activities.

“Adherents of this diet may experience disruptions in insulin synthesis, insulin resistance, and exhaustion of adrenal cortex function. Following a carbohydrate-free diet, individuals may develop pancreatitis, spasmodic constipation, and hypomagnesemia, which can lead to gastrointestinal pain,” explained the expert.

3D Printers for Printing Meat

Another alternative for ethically-minded individuals regarding animals is meat printed on a 3D printer.

“To create, for example, a piece of beef, scientists grow cow cells in bioreactors to promote their reproduction. Then, from the obtained material, a steak or beefsteak is printed. The composition of the ‘printed’ food can include vitamins, trace elements, and antioxidants, creating personalized functional products. Consuming the missing components in the form of enriched foods significantly enhances their absorption and provides greater benefits to humans. Such products can be seen as an addition to the daily diet,” explains Ekaterina Bankovskaya, associate professor at the Department of Chemical Technologies at PNIPU.

According to the expert, any diet can serve as a good temporary solution for treating various cardiovascular diseases, kidney issues, and restoring intestinal microbiota. However, adjustments and