Unprecedented: The summit of Japan's Mount Fuji has once again emerged after the November snowfall.

On November 6, the first snow fell on the slopes of the famous volcano and Japan's tallest mountain, Mount Fuji. This event occurred after an unprecedented stretch during which the summit remained snow-free for the first time in 130 years of observation during the cold season.
Невиданное событие: вершина японской горы Фудзияма вновь открылась после ноябрьского снегопада.

However, just a few days later, NASA's Landsat 8 satellite captured an image of Mount Fuji, revealing that the snow had melted.

Experts noted that the cause was the unusually warm weather that settled in Japan. The average temperature from June to August 2024 was 1.76 degrees Celsius higher than the average recorded from 1991 to 2020, according to observations from the Kofu Meteorological Bureau.