The woman depicted in Michelangelo's fresco has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

An international team of researchers has examined Michelangelo Buonarroti's fresco "The Great Flood" in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican and concluded that one of the depicted women shows signs of breast cancer.
У женщины, изображенной на фреске Микеланджело, диагностировали рак груди.

The pathology was identified due to breast asymmetry, deformation of the left nipple, as well as signs of carcinoma and bulges in the armpit.

Фреска «Всемирный потоп» Микеланджело Буонарроти / ©  Wikipedia

Researchers noted that the Italian painter and sculptor intentionally depicted certain diseases as divine punishment for sins. Additionally, he often relied on models when creating his works.