A unique fragment of a pre-Viking helmet has been discovered in Denmark.

In the northwestern region of Denmark, archaeologists have discovered a rare fragment of an intricately decorated helmet, dating back to the period between 650 and 750 AD. According to historians, this fragment is considered one of the finest helmets in Scandinavia.
В Дании найден уникальный фрагмент шлема, относящегося к довикингскому периоду.
Фрагмент одного из самых великолепных шлемов Скандинавии, артефакт датируется концом VI и серединой VII века, как раз перед началом эпохи викингов / © Kristian Grøndahl / ROMU

The fragment of the helmet consists of two parts, forming a large portion of the brow arch. The artifact is adorned with gold plating and garnets, while intricate patterns depict a creature with sharp teeth and large eyes.

According to experts, the helmet likely belonged to a king or a high-ranking member of society. Its purpose was more ceremonial than combat-related.