China has unveiled the world's largest cargo drone.

The development of unmanned cargo aircraft in China is progressing rapidly. At the Airshow China, the world's largest cargo drone, the W5000, was publicly unveiled for the first time.
В Китае представили крупнейший в мире грузовой беспилотник.
Дрон W5000 на авиасалоне в Чжухае / © Costfoto / NurPhoto

The name of the drone W5000 refers to its payload capacity of 5000 kilograms that it can carry.

The specifications of this cargo drone are impressive. It measures 21.8 meters in length, with a wingspan of 22.7 meters. The drone can reach speeds of up to 526 kilometers per hour, fly at a maximum altitude of 6000 meters, and cover distances of up to 2600 kilometers.

The W5000 control system allows a single operator to manage up to five of these drones simultaneously.

Дрон W5000 на авиасалоне в китайском Чжухае / © Costfoto / NurPhoto

The manufacturer of the W5000, Air White Whale, has announced that it plans to launch the first cargo drone into operation in the second half of 2026.

Дрон W5000 на авиасалоне в Чжухае / © Costfoto / NurPhoto