China has built the world's most powerful "hypergravity" device.

In the Chinese city of Hangzhou, scientists and engineers from Zhejiang University have successfully developed the most powerful centrifuge, named the Centrifugal Hypergravity and Interdisciplinary Experiment Facility (CHIEF). This groundbreaking device is capable of generating "hypergravity," enabling a wide range of experiments in fields such as geology, materials science, construction, and fundamental research.
В Китае создали самое мощное в мире устройство гипергравитации.
Схема китайской центрифуги CHIEF / © Yi-Nan Guo, Yi Yang, Jun-Xiang Yu, De Ding & Ya-Lin Wang / Springer Nature

According to data from the South China Morning Post, the installation will be capable of generating a free fall acceleration of approximately 500 g. Thus, the new centrifuge surpasses the capabilities of the American device located at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by 150 g, which was previously considered the most powerful in the world in this regard. For comparison, the standard gravity value on Earth is 1 g.

Chinese specialists completed this project in just four years.