In a village in Dnipropetrovsk, a quarantine has been imposed due to rabies found in a domestic cat.

The quarantine applies not only to the village itself but also to the surrounding pastures.
В одном из сел Днепропетровщины объявлен карантин из-за бешенства у местной домашней кошки.

In the village of Novoaleksandrovka, part of the Pokrovsk Territorial Society in the Dnipropetrovsk region, a quarantine has been imposed following a confirmed case of rabies in a domestic cat. This decision was made by the anti-epizootic commission after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. This information was reported by "Vidomo".

The quarantine applies not only to the village of Novoaleksandrovka itself but also to the surrounding pastures and agricultural lands, due to the high likelihood of virus migration among wild and domestic animals.

The duration of the quarantine measures has not yet been determined; however, it will last at least until the complete eradication of the infection source and the implementation of necessary preventive measures.

Rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals, including humans. The virus is transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal via bites, scratches, or even contact with mucous membranes. Symptoms of rabies in animals can vary widely: from aggression and excessive excitability to apathy and paralysis. In the early stages, the disease is often difficult to diagnose, complicating efforts to combat its spread. If rabies is suspected in a domestic animal, it is crucial to contact veterinary services immediately.

It is important to remember that one should never approach an animal displaying suspicious symptoms.