For the first time in the UK, images of one of the most secret Cold War bunkers have been revealed.

In the early 1950s, British authorities grew increasingly concerned about the threat of a nuclear attack, leading them to conclude that constructing bunkers for the protection and accommodation of the government was essential. This is how the Nottingham War Rooms came into existence—a subterranean bunker designed to safeguard 50 officials from a nuclear explosion.
В Великобритании впервые обнародованы фотографии одного из самых засекреченных бункеров периода холодной войны.
Помещение секретного подземного бункера / © Martine Hamilton Knight

Later, the bunker facilities were significantly expanded, transforming them into a massive structure capable of accommodating up to 400 government officials.

Помещение секретного подземного бункера / © Martine Hamilton Knight

Recently, journalists from the Daily Mail obtained images of the interiors of one of the most secretive bunkers from the Cold War era.

The photos reveal narrow corridors and cramped rooms, a kitchen, a medical bay, storage areas, a BBC recording studio, as well as large spaces where officials conducted their activities.

Помещение секретного подземного бункера / © Martine Hamilton Knight

In the restrooms, numerous rolls of toilet paper remain, each stamped with "Property of the Government" on every sheet.