In Yakutia, a remarkably well-preserved woolly mammoth calf carcass was unveiled.

At the P.A. Lazarev Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk, the remains of a baby mammoth were unveiled, discovered in June 2024 in the area of the Batagayka thermokarst depression. Experts have described the preservation of this specimen as extraordinary.
В Якутии продемонстрировали отлично сохранившуюся тушу мамонтенка.
Специалисты показали тушу мамонтенка, обнаруженного в вечной мерзлоте в местности Батагайка / © ЯСИА

Researchers have determined that the mammoth calf is a female approximately one year old. She has been named Yana.

The animal stands 120 centimeters tall, measures about two meters in length, and weighs nearly 180 kilograms. The age of the find is estimated to be 50,000 years.

“During the thawing process, it split into two parts; initially, the front section thawed out and collapsed under its own weight. The hind limbs and pelvic area remained frozen in the permafrost. Local residents, using improvised materials, constructed a stretcher to bring the find to the surface and placed it in a glacier, as they informed us,” noted Museum Director Maxim Cheprasov.

Туша мамонтенка Яны / © ЯСИА