Milestones in history: a look at the various types of solar panels used on the International Space Station.

The most senior and experienced NASA astronaut, 69-year-old Don Pettit, who has completed four space missions and is currently working aboard the International Space Station, has released a new photo taken from the station.
Исторические моменты: разнообразие солнечных панелей на Международной космической станции.
Старая солнечная панель, созданная в середине 1980-х годов — слева, панель, сделанная в середине 2010-х годов, — справа / © NASA / Don Pettit

In the photograph, Pettit captured two solar panels that power the orbital outpost. The older photovoltaic cells, designed in the mid-1980s, are blue, while the new ones (from 2015) feature shimmering red hues reminiscent of butterfly wings.

“Both panels deserve attention,” wrote Pettit.