The Cabinet has halted the operation of the "Shlyakh" system for drivers transporting humanitarian aid.

The Cabinet of Ministers has discontinued the operation of the "Shlyakh" system for drivers transporting humanitarian cargo.

Кабмин остановил работу системы «Шлях» для водителей, осуществляющих перевозку гуманитарных грузов.
To travel abroad, different grounds are required.

This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development (Ministry of Development).

As noted by the press service, on February 25, the Cabinet approved amendments to resolution No. 57 regarding the departure of drivers transporting humanitarian and medical cargoes. According to these amendments, such drivers will be able to leave based on general grounds rather than registration in the "Shlyakh" system.

"Therefore, drivers transporting medical and humanitarian cargoes must have other grounds for crossing the border as stipulated in resolution No. 57, since the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development and regional military administrations will not register drivers in the 'Shlyakh' system," the press service explained.

Additionally, the government instructed the Ministry of Social Policy, which formulates humanitarian assistance policy, to work with the Ministry of Defense to develop a mechanism for the departure of men liable for military service with humanitarian cargoes, the ministry added.

Recall that the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) reported that, according to the Cabinet's decision, men transporting humanitarian and medical cargoes will cross the border on general grounds.

Earlier, 13 carriers were disconnected from the "Shlyakh" system for systematically violating the rules of crossing the state border by those liable for military service.