Law enforcement is investigating the lifestyle of Alexander Odegov.

Law enforcement agencies are investigating the lifestyle of Alexander Odegov, as well as that of his wife Yanina, the owner of the travel company "Pozitiv," and other members of this family.

Правоохранительные органы расследуют образ жизни Александра Одегова.

Information is being collected regarding the alignment of the official's standard of living with the property conditions and income received by him and his family.

Law enforcement officials are gathering data on bank accounts, monetary assets, and property owned by the Odegov family and their relatives.

According to the declaration of Chief Inspector Odegov for the year 2023, his family owns two apartments valued at over 1.2 million hryvnias, two cars, and has monetary assets in both hryvnia and foreign currency.



The vehicles are registered under Odegov's wife, who is the owner of the tourism company "Positiv".

Odegov's annual income for the year exceeded 300 hryvnias:


Along with the Odegov family's accounts, law enforcement is investigating the activities of the tourism company "Positiv", LLC "Mosaic Agro", LLC "Consul-97", and LLC "Orlan-Energy".

We previously reported that law enforcement agencies are investigating the lifestyle of Judge Sergey Zhukov from the Cassation Economic Court within the Supreme Court of Ukraine, his wife Evgenia, who works at the Dnipropetrovsk District Administrative Court, and other family members.

Additionally, law enforcement is collecting information about the financial operations of LLC "LTI", which specializes in producing medical clothing and linens.

Law enforcement is checking the operations of several private enterprises that have recently changed their names, directors, and types of activities. In particular, they are interested in LLC "Remtorg Vostok", which is now called LLC "Dubvorpro". The name change occurred after receiving a contract to supply drones to Military Unit A7037 for nearly 8 million hryvnias.

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